Moving To The US? There Are 3 Features To Look For In An Apartment For Rent
Moving to a new country could easily be considered a scary thing, and the idea of finding the right place to live is one of those tasks that is bound to make you a little uneasy as a newcomer to the United States. Apartments are an incredible choice for incoming immigrants looking for a good place to rent because they are usually small and affordable. However, there are a range of different apartment complexes in cities and rural locations across the country, and they all may have something different to offer. Here are three important features to look for in an apartment if you are moving to the US from a different country.
Close Proximity to Work and/or School
If you are moving to the US without a vehicle, you will want to make sure the apartment you choose is close enough to work for yourself and school for your children that transportation will not be such a trying feat. Some locations do have public transportation available near apartments, but this is not always the case. So make sure before you sign a lease on a specific apartment, you consider the distance it is from where you will be working or where your children will go to school.
Friendly Neighbors
Apartments can be filled with people from every different path in life, but when you are moving to the US and may need advice on occasion, it is best to look for apartment complexes that offer a welcoming atmosphere. Take a trip to the apartment complex and try to make contact with a few of the residents. Try to garner how polite and helpful these people are and even ask the landlord about some of the people who live in the building. If you have children, it is a good idea to look for a family-oriented atmosphere where other families also live.
Short Lease Terms
When you have never lived in a specific area, you do not want to commit to a lengthy lease on an apartment and get stuck there if you don't like the location. It is best to find an apartment that will not require you to sign a year or two-year-long lease, which is common in some areas. Try to stick with apartments that offer either month-to-month rental without a lease or those with shorter terms, such as three to six months. This way, if you do have to move you will not be stuck paying the duration of the lease because you have to break the agreement.